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Setting Heartworms Straight

Setting Heartworms Straight

Every dog owner knows that their pet should be on monthly heartworm prevention. Heartworms sure sound like a bad thing – I mean worms that live in the heart – not cool, right? Right!I have discovered lately that some thoughts and general knowledge vary among my dog-owning friends and clients and felt it was time […]

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The Benefits of Fatty Acids

The Benefits of Fatty Acids

image courtesy of Many of us have heard of the benefits of fatty acids for some time now.  In fact, there is a great deal of good research into these products and their uses.  I will attempt to write a synopsis to help you as a possible consumer of fatty acid supplements – either […]

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Thinking of getting a new pet?

Thinking of getting a new pet?

It’s a small question on the surface, but quite loaded when you stop to consider it on a deeper level.  Many people who decide to purchase/rescue a new pet realize the importance of their decision and take certain factors into account.  This forethought is very much needed, however the full implication is still frequently underestimated.  […]