Harness with tether Traditional seatbelt A lot of dogs do not ride along with us in our car the way we truly want them to, but is that the dog’s fault? If you have not taken the time to teach your dog how to act in the car, then how can you expect him to […]
If your dog is acting quite normally and suddenly develops diarrhea, the first question in your mind should be: What caused this? Often dogs get sudden diarrhea from eating inappropriate things such as greasy foods, bark or mulch from outside, items from the garbage can or compost pile, people food, etc. Sometimes diarrhea develops from […]
Yes – last week my dog, Brett had his teeth cleaned again. I say again because the last time I did the procedure was only 3 months ago. This dog has a natural plaque-building rate that nearly equals the rate that weeds grow in our yard. Every time he has his teeth cleaned, it is […]
“Come” is one of the most important commands we teach our dogs. It is a potentially life-saving word, too. If your dog is running toward the road for example… Dogs learn that they can ignore our commands at times. They learn this because when we tell/ask them to do something and they don’t do it, […]
Tick season is upon us and I wanted to give you a refresher (or a first lesson) in tick removal. Ticks will attach to their host (your pet or yourself) by grabbing a mouthful of skin and holding on for dear life. There are many rumors about how to proceed with their removal, but the […]
Many dog owners and some non-dog owners know what bloat is. The movie “Marley and Me†brought the issue to the surface for a while, though now many who saw the film still don’t know how that dog died. I never saw the movie, but I do know about bloat and I feel it nearly […]
Lately I have been seeing quite a bit of this common problem with the recent weather we have been having. Fear of thunderstorms can stem from several sources, but once the dog becomes fearful, it is a difficult and tiring process to reverse the effects. Most puppies are not fearful of storms – this comes […]
Not all flea preventatives are created equal. There are quite a few flea prevention products that we see on the shelves of pet stores and advertised through on-line pharmacies. Some cost more than others and some require a veterinary prescription. In my opinion, the primary and important difference in flea prevention is in “speed of […]
Cats are more popular pets than dogs; however they visit the vet a lot less often, according to a study done last year by the American Veterinary Medical Association. Some statistics I have read estimate they see the vet half as often as dogs. Cats do, in fact, require regular veterinary visits. Our feline friends […]
I wanted to share some information with you about Intervertebral Disk Disease in dogs. The disease can occur in cats, but it is more common in dogs. I recently attended a lecture on this topic and wanted to summarize some key points for you. First, this disease is most common in dog breeds that have […]